White card with brown envelope

You love your niece or nephew more than you can even explain. But as soon as it comes time to write a thoughtful message for their birthday card, your mind goes blank.

We get it. It’s impossible to write a message that conveys just how much love you have for them! But fret not.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of messages to write in a birthday card for your niece or nephew.

From funny messages to endearing throwbacks to the day they arrived and changed your world for the better, we’ve got 15 ideas to help you show just how much you care.

Whether you want to bring a tear to their eye or have them rolling around in a fit of giggles, we’ve got you covered. 


girl and woman facing each other whilst laughing

There’s nothing more magical than the sound of a little one giggling, especially when they’re laughing at a joke you’ve made.

Tailor your message for their sense of humour to have them laughing all day long.

  • Happy birthday to my brilliant, funny, clever, and adorable niece! Clearly, you take after your favourite aunt — me! You’re the best niece in the entire world. I love you.
  • Happy birthday to my incredible nephew! My birthday present to you is a whole day to spend with me! Lucky, lucky you.
  • Happy birthday to my incredible nephew. Did you know that being super cool and clever runs in the family? You must have got it from me!
  • Happy birthday to you! Aren’t you lucky to have a clever brain, creative hands and an awesome aunty?!
  • To the coolest dude in the family. Happy birthday! I hope you have the most fantastic birthday ever and have lots of fun. From your uncle (the second coolest dude in the family).   

scrabble tiles which read dream big

Inspiring Message

Their birthday is the perfect opportunity to uplift them with an inspiring message or quote.

  • Happy birthday to my darling niece. I wanted to share some special advice with you on your birthday. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” 
  • My lovely niece. You have many fantastic years ahead of you, and I am excited to see what you do with them. The world is waiting for you, and I will be by your side every step of the way. To help you along the way, here’s one of my favourite Maya Angelou quotes, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
  • My little nephew. How small you are, but how big you’ll become! The fabulous Dolly Parton once said, “If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” Sometimes I wonder if she knew you’d be born to turn all my frowns upside down.

once upon a time written on paper with pen

Little tots love nothing more than a good story. So, treat them to one written by their favourite aunt or uncle.

  • I will never forget the day you were born. It was the day our family changed for the better forever. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It really was the perfect day.
  • Happy birthday, my little niece. It was snowing this morning, just like on a special morning three years ago. It is a pleasure watching you grow into such an amazing person.
  • Happy birthday to my favourite nephew. There once was a boy called Jack. He asked his mum for a snack. They sat down to eat and enjoyed a treat, and now he’s feeling laid back.

glasses, notepad, pen and photo's on a table

When in doubt, spill all that love out of your heart and straight onto the page. There is so much you love about them, so let them know!

  • Happy birthday, my clever, incredible, creative, gorgeous, cuddly, lovely nephew!
  • I love you because you’re smart. I love you because you’re kind. I love you because you’re brilliant. I love you because you’re you.
  • I hit the niece jackpot with you, my talented, clever, creative, charming niece!

To make your card as thoughtful as possible, personalise it with your little niece or nephew’s name.

Choose a lovely card from our selection of greeting cards, personalise it with a sweet message and get ready to wish them a magnificent birthday.